Nasco France is the leading provider of insurance and reinsurance services for emerging markets.

Legal name: Nasco France SAS
Legal status: Société par Actions Simplifiée
Share capital: Euro 1,600,000.00
Address: 171 rue de Buzenval, 92380 Garches, France
ORIAS registration number: 07001922
« Courtier d'assurance et de réassurance (Insurance and Reinsurance Broker)
« Mandataire d'assurance » (Insurance Agent)
Commercial Registration: 307419424 RCS Nanterre
Gender equality index (women/men): non calculatable
Legal name: Nasco France SAS (UK Branch)
Company number: FC038106
UK Establishment number: BR023198
Company type: Overseas Company
Address: 50 Fenchurch Street, London, United Kingdom, EC3 M3JY