The various facultative broking units provide services to over 255 cedants, 3,500 accounts and 5,000 vessels. All benefit from Nasco Re’s dedicated risk management and prevention expertise including immediate access to a worldwide network of loss adjusters, surveyors and recovery agents.

Marine Cargo
Oil, commodities, cash in transit, livestock, general cargo, anticipated loss of profit, liability (ship-owners to cargo, hauliers) and rejection risks.

Marine Hull
Brown and blue water ocean-going vessels, fishing vessels and yachts of all size, protection and indemnity, liability (ship repairers, charterers, port and terminal operators) and war risks.

Airlines and private aircrafts, hull (fixed wing and helicopters), war risks, aircraft fuelling and defueling, loss of license and liability (passenger and product).

Energy & Wet Risks
Offshore installations, drilling rigs, oil platforms and related risks at both construction and operation levels.

Construction and erection all risks, plant and equipment, machinery breakdown, consequential loss and decennial liability.

Industrial & Commercial Property
Conventional fire, allied perils and all risks of physical loss or damage in respect of cement factories, refineries, power stations, steel and chemical plants and other light and heavy industries, hotels, shopping centers and all types of commercial properties.

Public and products liability, professional indemnity, medical malpractice, directors' and officers' liability, personal accident, cancellation of events, kidnap and ransom.

Financial / Miscellaneous Risks
Bankers blanket bond, plastic cards, jewelers block and personal jewelry.

Political Violence & Political Risks
Political violence including war, sabotage and terrorism as well as political risks covering payments, investments, bonds or barter.

All risk mortality and livestock shipments.

Special Risks
This unit is dedicated to servicing the multinational clients and special risks.