The Treaty Department covers the reinsurance programs of over 205 cedants. It generates approximately 1,800 treaties for Nasco Re’s network panel of impeccable security and long-term partners.
The Treaty activities and services include the following:
Design and pricing of treaties
The team's technical expertise and experience allow the tailor-made design and pricing of treaties, including motor excess of loss and retro programs. The reinsurance program in force is analyzed, and simulations are effected in order to deliver the optimal mix between proportional and non-proportional treaties. In addition, there is a substantial increase in demand for excess of loss protection.
Cost analysis consulting
Focusing on the client's global reinsurance requirements provides Nasco France with a complete picture of the cedant's portfolio and its associated reinsurance costs. All reinsurance arrangements are analyzed in order to recommend the most cost-effective reinsurance "package" to the client.